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WrestleMania 32 Prediction

WrestleMania 32 Predictions

The biggest event in sports entertainment is finally here, it's Wrestlemania Sunday! The Show of shows comes to us live from Dallas Texas this year and if the saying "Everything is bigger in Texas" is any hint it should be a huge show! This has been a year filled with injuries WWE has been put in a very interesting position where they have had to rush to put together a solid card or this years Mania. All things considered, they have managed to throw together a card that could deliver a very memorable show. In addition to the injury problem, this year's Mania has been put in the interesting position of having to follow the phenomenal NXT Takeover Dallas show. The guys and gals of NXT rose to the occasion and put on one of the best wrestling shows I have ever seen. That means the main roster will have to pull out all the stops and rise to the occasion and I think they will. So without further delay here are my predictions for this years WrestleMania. 

Preshow Match 1: Team Total Diva vs Team Bad and Blonde

On a night where the rumor mill is claiming that WWE is getting rid of the Diva's title in favor of a new Women's Championship, we are opening Wrestlemania with a match featuring a team named Team Total Diva.... This match will not be the show stealer but it does have Paige, Nattie, Emma, Summer, and Naomi who can all hold their own in a ring so it could turn out to be an ok match. On a side not it looks like this will be Brie Bellas last match before she leaves WWE. It is also Lana's first match in WWE. I don't Lana and Eva getting a lot of ring time but hopefully, they avoid sharing the ring together for all our sakes. 

Winner: Team Total Diva

Preshow Match 2: The Dudley's vs The Usos 

It was great to see the Dudley's cracking jokes and being funny during their induction speech last night but it has been even better seeing them play heels on WWE programming. I like the idea of them working with HHH as enforcers. I am hoping for the Dudley's to pick up the win here and keep their strong heel gimmick going.

Winner: The Dudley Boys 

Preshow Match 3: The Andre the Giant Battle Royal 

This is the 3rd installment of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal and it looks like WWE has not fully explained who is actually in the match. We know names like Kane, Big Show, and the Social outcast will be in the match but I feel like there could still be a few surprise entrance in the battle Royal. There has been a rumor going around that Cesaro is cleared to wrestle and my hope is that he makes a surprise return tonight. I have a feeling that it may be Kane's year to win this battle royal but I also they may be going to the two-time winner route. They have been making a big deal out of the fact that no one has won twice.

Winner: Kane or Cesaro if he makes his return in the match. 

Mania Match 1: Kalisto vs Ryback for the United States Title

Kalisto is one of my favorite new stars in WWE. He reminds me of my early days watching Rey Mysterio back in WCW and his mask reminds me of Ultimo Dragon so I'm a big fan. WWE has not done the best job of building him up since winning the US Title but I think they can salvage it with a big win a Mania over the Big Guy. I am not a Ryback hater so I have no problem with this match up as long as Kalisto gets the victory in the end. This won't be the show stealer but it could be a good kick off match. 

Winner: Kalisto 

Mania Match 2: New Day vs The League of Nations 

New Day was fantastic at last night Hall of Fame and I think they will deliver once again but this time on the grandest stage of them all. There has been a lot of talk about an epic entrance from New Day for this match and I hope the rumors are true. I am looking forward to seeing what the Tag Champs do because I know it will hilarious. 

Winner NEW DAY......NEW DAY....NEW DAY!

Mania Match 3: Chris Jericho vs AJ Styles 

This is the third match between Y2J vs Styles and I'm hoping this match can reclaim some of the greatness their first match had. I was in Cleveland for the second match and I felt like it was a little slow. These two could easily steal the show tonight and put on the best WRESTLING match of the night. It will be very special to see AJ Styles take part in his first Mania, one of my favorite parts of Mania is watching the expression on the faces of the wrestlers as they enter into the arena for the first time. My guess is Aj will walk away with the victory tonight and move on to his next feud. I am hoping he moves on to Kevin Owens but only time will tell. On a side note, I hope Jericho moves on to a feud with Nakamura. There Twitter war has me hook, line and sinker. 

Winner: AJ Styles 

Mania Match 4: Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar

Hopefully, Dean is not feeling under the weather after his "fun" night at the Hall of Fame because he has a big challenge facing him tonight. Brock Lesnar has been built as an unstoppable monster ever since he defeated the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30. Dean is the biggest babyface in the company right now and he could really benefit from taking down the monster. That being said I don't think Dean needs to win this match to get over. If Dean comes away from this match looking strong he will be fine and he can still use this as a launching point for his next year in wrestling. My hope is that Dean Ambrose picks up the win and goes on to a WWE Title program soon. This will be a brutal match and both these guys will be kicking the crap out of each other. I imagine Deal will start the match being thrown all over the place but he will make a big come back with the use of weapons. 

Winner: Dean Ambrose 

Mania Match 5: Sasha vs Charlotte vs Becky 

This is probably the biggest women's match in WWE history. It is being built as a main event or headlining match and all three of these ladies deserve that kind of match hype. I said earlier that AJ Styles vs Y2J could be the show stealing match of the night but if that one isn't this one will be. These three have the ability to tear the house down tonight. I have seen them all put on fantastic matches and the idea of the three of them working together to bring the house down is really exciting. I am really torn on who will win this match, I could see Sasha getting her Wrestlemania moment and walking out as the champion. But I could also see Charlotte retaining the title and continuing the feud. I have really enjoyed Charlotte's new heel run, she is playing the heel part so well and I am not ready to see her drop the title. But on the same token, it's time to see Shasha Banks shine in WWE. Becky is great and she will get her chance to hold the Women's title but right now is Shasha's time.


Mania Match 6: Shane vs The Undertaker in a Hell in a Cell 

This match was a huge surprise and really came out of left field. The build-up for this match has been very hit or miss. Shane's return to Raw was a huge moment as will go down as one of the best returns in WWE history. Since that night, the story has been all over the place but I know these two will not disappoint when it comes time for the match. I know Taker can carry Shane through the wrestling portion of the match and Shane will deliver a few huge OMG moments. I am having a lot of trouble picking a winner in this match. Shane almost has to win after he cut the promo calling out WWE for all the problems they are currently having with their product. Shane has said that he is here to fix all of WWE's problems if he loses and things go back to normal then we know that WWE doesn't care about the issues Shane has brought up. Taker, on the other hand, can't lose because if he does, he will no longer be able to wrestle at Wrestlemania. In addition to that if Taker loses he will have lost 2 of his last 3 mania matches which is crazy considering he was undefeated just a few years ago. I can't see Shane beating Taker straight up so there has to be some kind of funny business in this match. I think Shane will have help from the "New Talent" he keeps referring to. I could see Shane bringing in the Bullet Club with Balor to take out Taker and start the new era of WWE. 

Winner: Shane O Mac with the help of someone 

Mania Match 7: HHH vs Roman Reigns for the WWE World Heavy Weight Championship 

WWE has gotten a lot of heat from fans for pushing forward with this match. Like the Shane vs Taker match this match has been hurt by some very odd story telling. They started the story at Royal Rumble and then had Roman take on Dean and Brock at Fastlane which stole a lot of momentum from Roman. Then Roman disappeared from WWE television for a few weeks which really hurt Roman's character. Then WWE thought it would be a good idea to pair HHH with Dean Ambrose for a fans dream match which only made them dislike Roman even more. All that said this will be a good match! Both of these guys can wrestle and HHH is a ring general he will not let this be a poor match. I can see Roman finally making a heelish turn tonight where he becomes the reluctant villain. At the same time I could see HHH winning and starting some kind of feud with Shane's hand-picked leader of Raw. I honestly can't pick a winner for this match, the obvious pick for this match will be Roman Reigns and I don't think WWE will veer from that. The interesting question is how will it happen? What series of events will occur that will lead to Roman getting the win and what will be the result of that in terms of Shane and his new WWE. Roman is clearly Vince's hand picked guy so he can't lead Shane's new WWE. 

Winner: Roman Reigns 

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