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WWE House Show Results from Louisville Kentucky

WWE House Show Results from Louisville Kentucky

By Justin Blakeman 

Well WWE finally made their way back to my hometown of Louisville Kentucky! This was an exciting show because it was the time they have ever visited the brand new Yum Center. My hope is that WWE was running a trial show with the intention of maybe bringing a live Raw or maybe even a PPV to the Yum center.  It's been a really long time since any Kentucky arena has had a live WWE show. Hopefully, that will be changing in the very near future because it would be nice to not have to travel to see a show for once. All that aside I was not able to attend the show this week but I knew a few people that did attend and they passed along the show results and I wanted to share them with you! So here is what happened at the Louisville house show. 

Match 1) Baron Corbin made a main roster appearance to defeat Zack Ryder. Looks like Ryder didn't stay hyped enough for this match. I am glad to see Corbin getting more house show appearances! 

Match 2) Sin Cara defeated Stardust 

Match 3) R-Truth defeated Curtis Axel who was accompanied by Adam Rose. Looks like the Social Outcast are only getting love when they are on tv. Not sure if it was a goofy finish or if R-Truth went over clean but I am surprised the Outcast didn't go over here. 

Match 4)  Kalisto defeated Alberto Del Rio to retain his United States Championship. I am glad to see Kalisto working singles matches and I hope they set him up with a good feud going into Mania. Even if it's just a 6 man ladder match for the title. 

Match 5) Sheamus defeated Mark Henry 

Match 6) Summer Rae & Sasha Banks defeated Team Bad! I don't know how good the match was but I am really disappointed I missed an opportunity to see the Boss live in a house show setting. It's always a good show when Sasha Banks and Styles are on the card!

Match 7) Speaking of AJ Styles, he defeated Tyler Breeze. I really enjoyed Styles vs Jericho III on Sunday! It was amazing getting to see Styles live for the first time and from what I could tell he delivered on Saturday night as well.

Match 8) Dean Ambrose defeated Kevin Owens but Owens retained the IC title because he refused to break a submission hold after the five count. Owens then proceeded to play the heel card until Dean got the better of him and delivered a Dirty Deeds to finish off the show.

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