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2016 Royal Rumble Predictions

2016 Royal Rumble Predictions 

By Justin Blakeman

Happy Royal Rumble Sunday everyone! It's finally time for the first PPV of 2016 and this one is shaping up to be one heck of a show. When it comes to WWE this month has been nothing but one bombshell announcement after another. First we had the return of Vince McMahon to Monday Night Raw. Then we found out that Roman Reigns would be defending the WWE Title in the Royal Rumble. Next we found out that WWE had signed four stars from New Japan, one of which was Aj Styles. Now it seems that he will be backstage at tonight PPV and could even be involved in the match. With or without AJ this is still going to be a fun PPV so let's get into some predictions! 

Pre-Show Match: Darren Young & Damien Sandow vs The Dudley's vs Ascension vs Mark Henry, & Jack Swagger for a spot in the Royal Rumble. 

Not sure exactly how the preshow match will go down but from what I read on the WWE website it looks like an elimination match to see who will get a spot in the Royal Rumble tonight. It looks like the team that wins will get into the Royal Rumble. When looking at the names involved in this match, I think the Dudley's will walk away with the victory. Everyone else in this match has not been relevant or on TV in months, so why would we care if they were involved in the Royal Rumble match. The Dudley's have not won a match in forever but at least, they have the big name feel.

Winner: The Dudley Boys 

Match 1: The Usos vs The New Day for the WWE Tag Team Championships: 

It's been a rough few weeks for the WWE Tag team champions. First they were interrupted by the return of Chris Jericho and then they lost their poor beloved trombone, Francesca. If that wasn't bad enough they have also been on quite a losing streak to the Usos. I am still a huge New Day and I still really enjoy what they bring to the table every week on Raw but they need to change things up so to don't get stale. This seems like the perfect opportunity for them to drop the titles and begin chasing the champs or moving on to another goal. I have a feeling this will be a great back and forth match like most of the matches between these two teams. I could honestly see WWE keeping the titles on New Day until Wrestle Mania but I could also see them running with the Usos. Either way, it's a win for WWE both of these teams have proven to be great champions and both get a good response from the crowd.

Winner: Usos finally get the best of the New Day. 

Match 2:  Charlotte vs Becky Lynch for the Diva's Title:

This has quickly become one of my favorite feuds in WWE. I have really enjoyed Charlotte's slow heel turn and her current pairing with Ric Flair. I don't think the pairing will last long and I don't think Charlotte needs him but for now, it's really fun having Ric on Tv. I also really like that WWE is pushing Becky Lynch and putting her in the title hunt. This match is very interesting and I could see it going either way. Part of me feels like this is only the beginning of a long title run for Charlotte. I could also see Ric Flair mistakingly costing Charlotte the title. They started to plant some seeds on Raw when they had Ric accept the title match instead of Charlotte. I feel like they are committed to the slow burn on this heel turn and I don't see Charlotte turning on Ric just yet. I would really like to see Becky win the title and I think it will definitely happen in the near future but I don't think it will happen tonight.

Winner: And still the WWE Diva's Champion Charlotte 

Match 3: Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens for the WWE Intercontinental Championship in a last man standing match:

After weeks of beating the crap out of one another, Dean Ambrose and Kevin Owens will meet once again to continue beating the crap out of each other. This time, they will be fighting for the IC title in a last man standing match. This seems to be the theme match of the month but this one should be a very good match. Kevin Owens and Dean Ambrose are both fantastic in the ring and they will not disappoint with this match. I am not 100% sure what plans WWE has for these two at Wrestlemania so it's hard to say how this match will go. I have heard a rumor that Kevin Owens will be facing the Undertaker at Mania this year. If this rumor is true I don't see Owens holding the title going into Wrestlemania and I can't see Owens losing in this kind of match, it would make him look too weak going into a match with Taker. I see Owens walking away with the win tonight but then turning around and losing at Fastlane due to some kind of interference from Taker. That would set up their match for Mania and would give Dean the title back for a big IC title match at Wrestlemania.

Winner: Kevin Owens is a straight up brawl 

Match 4: Alberto Del Rio vs Kalisto for the United States Title 

I'm very up in the air with this feud, on one hand I like it because WWE is using this as an opportunity to push a guy who is very talented and has one heck of a fun move set in the ring. On the other hand, I can't believe they gave Kalisto the title only to have him drop it the next night. Kalisto winning the title on Raw felt like a huge moment, it felt like a career-changing moment for Kalisto. I really wanted him to hold onto the title and defend it as the ultimate underdog. I realize that he lost the title due to interference and I know the money is in the chase when it comes baby face title runs. This situation reminds me of the feud between Charlotte and Nikki, when Charlotte won the title on Raw and then had the title taken away. As big of a let down as that night was, it seemed to work out and help Charlotte in the long run and I assume it will do the same for Kalisto but I really wish they had just let him have his moment. That being said I look for Kalisto to walk out as the new US champion tonight.

Winner: Kalisto wins and becomes a two-time WWE US Champion 

Match 5: The ROYAL RUMBLE!!! 

And now it's time to predict one of the biggest Royal Rumbles in WWE history. There are so many scenarios that could play out in this match, AJ Styles could finally make his long-awaited WWE debut, Bray Wyatt could finally make a huge statement and become the WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar could regain the title and take his spot back at the top of the WWE, or Roman Reigns could overcome all the odds and win his second Royal Rumble in two years and keep his Title. There is another possibility but I think I will save that prediction for a little later. Let's look at Brock and Bray first, I think after what happened on Raw this week, they are clearly building for a Brock vs Bray match at Wrestlemania. I think the Wyatt family will cost Brock the match and eliminate him somehow. This will set their feud into motion and build to some kind of match at Fastlane. I am not sure if AJ Styles will make his debut tonight, It would make no sense to have him debut to get tossed out of the ring and lose right off the bat. I think he will make his debut tomorrow night on Raw. That turns us to Roman Reigns, I think Roman will have another strong showing in the Rumble this year. I see HHH making his return as an entrant in the Rumble and beating Roman Reigns to win the Title. This would set up a huge match between the two at Wrestlemania where Roman would win his title back. It will also set up some kind of match at Fastlane where Roman would have to earn his title shot. I think this will be a very fun and exciting Rumble match which is something we have not been able to say for the last few years. I am looking forward to it and can't wait to see if my prediction is correct. HHH as the new champion could be very interesting as long as his title reign is kept fairly short.

Winner and new Champion: HHH the King of Kings Himself. 

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